Joanne Watkinson

Fashion Stylist, Consultant & Writer

Liverpool - Manchester - London

Take it as a compliment

Take it as a compliment

Have you ever stopped someone in the street or in a bar and felt compelled to ask them where they bought their dress / shoes / coat such is your need to own it for yourself? I have, if the wearer looked approachable enough. Its intended as a huge compliment, it’s the way it looks on her that makes it so appealing. If the idea of asking a complete stranger where she shops makes you feel nauseous then perhaps you prefer the more subtle and thoroughly modern way of outfit stalking via Instagram?

The phenomenon of the mirror selfie has developed into a industry, girls and women the world over are posting pictures of their every outfit and accessory, hash-tagging where they are from, some in exchange for payment from the brand, others just for fun.

There are even social media accounts dedicated to hunting down the clothes celebrities are photographed wearing, removing the leg work for people. But, and there is a big but, what if we don’t suit the clothes we spot on other people? Have you ever bought something that looked great on someone else and been very disappointed when trying it on yourself? I certainly have.

It is no surprise really, Influencers photograph themselves in the clothes that flatter their colouring, enhance their best features, are perfect in that very moment, making us dizzy with lust for whatever they are wearing but what about the reality of how it looks on us with our skin colour, our hair shade, our height, our body shape and lets face it, our budget and lifestyle.

Do you consider those things when you see a top on a blogger / celebrity / woman In a restaurant that you simply must buy?

I have a friend that shan’t be named who is appalled at the idea of sharing where she shops with anyone, me, face-less social media followers (she doesn’t “do” Instagram) or anyone else for that matter, she is the anti-infleuncer, she picks, buys and wears exactly what she likes and what suits her. Shes V annoying, but she might just be onto something. 

Get your coat

Get your coat

What Yoda said

What Yoda said