Joanne Watkinson

Fashion Stylist, Consultant & Writer

Liverpool - Manchester - London

If i was

If i was

A received a photo message from a friend this week with the caption  “if i was 21 and going to Ibiza i would wear this”

I didn’t turn a hair, its standard practise for us to show appreciation for an outfit we will probably never get the chance to wear (unless we invent a time machine) especially after the last few months there hasn't been much “real life” to plan for.

But it did remind me how many times i covet an entirely inappropriate outfit, i have been known to give in and purchase said unsuitable outfit and been forced to share laughable bedroom mirror selfies with friends so they can appreciate just how awful clothes meant for taller / slimmer / curvier women look on me, a memorable one was a paisley mini dress with puff sleeves that made me look like Henry the 8th, a definite Insta vs Reality moment, and more recently some Birkenstock suede mules that in my head made me look like i was an off-duty yogi but in real life made my feet resemble Moomins (cartoon characters that resemble Hippopotamus’)

The results of a very quick super scientific friend group survey tells me that I'm not the only person who gets sucked into lusting after clothes that are entirely unsuitable for my lifestyle, the climate i live in or the body i was born with. I wasn't blessed with the 5ft 9” i feel i deserve and that alone means some clothes i love will never work on me, flares and long coats to cut a long list short.

How many of you have wardrobes the reflect the lifestyle you live? Not me. I own far too many long evening dresses for a girl who never gets invited to Balls or Gala’s. This is a subject that fashion people take seriously, there is even an equation, apparently most of us wear 80% of our wardrobe, 20% of the time, i can attest to that being true in my own case, i plan to correct the balance going forward, to buy clothes i will wear more frequently, even if that means admitting i wear Gym leggings when exercise isn't on the horizon, its the new normal.

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Face Fashion

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